Game story begins with Two friends named Rina and Rai, Rine getting kidnapped by a bad person. Now Rai takes the responsibility to save her friend. Player has to help Rai to reach the nearest of the Rina by selecting the correct bridge block to cross the river. Bridge blocks will be shown for a few seconds and you’ve to remember it and select the same bridge which was shown previously. Be careful! If your memory is not strong or you can’t find the correct bridge step, Rai will have fallen into the water and the Game will be over. Features of this game: High Quality graphics Game size is minimal Super simple controls Interesting quests
BFFs Grunge Minimalist Fashion
Runner Apocalypse
Dice Merge Challenges
Beat the Boss
Brick Hit
World of Alice Footprints
Ocean Memory Challenge
BFF Easter Photobooth Party
Wooden Jewels
Dynamic Jigsaw
Cleaner Race
Crazy Difficult Game
Ping Pong Battle Table Tennis
Hexa Jump ASMR
Division Bird Image Uncover
Baby Taylor Back To School
Dancing Race Match
Extreme Huggy
Racing Island
Merge Gun Fps Shooting Zombie
Stickman vs Zombies Minecraft
Bloody Nightmare
Missile Escape. Jet Era
Timeless Trimble
Princesses at Horror School
Speed Math
Water World Match
Lumina Robot